Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Busy Bees

One afternoon not too long ago this Mama needed to keep Miss H out of the house so that Baby L could get some much needed and sometimes elusive day sleep time. We headed outside and I suggested a walk in the little park that adjoins our house. We wandered downhill towards the large Casurina tree and while playing with the seed pods that we fond there an idea began to form in my mind. These pods make the best bees. This not an original idea rather one that I have seen in various places over the years and I cannot point you to a source. Perhaps it is The Nature Table book.

When we got back to the house I crept inside to get a few things and then we were all set to sit outside and enjoy some sunshine and make bees.

Our supplies : Scissors, wool (yarn) in brown and yellow, tulle, Casurina pods and sticks

The process is simple - wind the pod in the yellow wool and then tie off.
Cut an elongated oval from the tulle and roughly pleat with your fingers.
Cinch in the middle and tie the tulle on using the tails of the yellow wool.
Add the brown and tie a few knots.
Cut brown wool to desired length and then tie onto a stick and viola a simple little bee puppet perfect for flying around the garden.

These bees were so popular with H that she asked to make more so we had some to share with our little friends.

The bees also make a great addition to our seasonal nature table or as story props.

H in action telling me a little story about the bees visiting all the flowers in all the gardens
I will note that after a few days of play the knots on the original bees were beginning to loosen so I added a drop or two of PVA glue to keep them from unravelling and so far that seems to be working well.


  1. O, yes ! Love your little bumble bees ! We make them over here of a similar kind of pods ;-)
    I enjoy the bright spring colours you have right now. And what a lovely coloured dress miss H has !!!
    (wow, baby L is growing faaaaast !)

    1. Thanks for commenting. Yes wonderful spring but the days are warming and the grass is starting to dry off already

  2. So sweet! My second kiddo is named Bea, but loves all things honey and bumble bee. She will love this project! Thanks!

    1. I hope that Bea enjoys making little bumble bees. Our have seen a lot of play!

  3. Oh this is such a lovely sweet craft! I love them :-) And know dino boy will too!! Pinning so we remember to try them x


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